Those without plumbing industry experience are not likely to know when a home’s pipes are failing. By not fixing damaged pipes right away, a homeowner sets themselves up for severe, costly problems in the long term. Homeowners should know the warning signs of pipes at the breaking point. Below are several indications that a home’s Plumbing in Lansing MI may be in danger of failure.
Rising Water Bills
An increased water bill is the most reliable sign of a broken pipe because it offers a record of actual water consumption. A variance of $10-$15 per month is common, but a larger difference can indicate that the home’s pipes are in need of service.
Low Water Flow or Pressure
Another sign of damaged pipes is diminished water pressure or flow. Homeowners should know the difference between these two functions. Water flow is the volume of water received from fixtures, and water pressure is the force as the water is pushed out. A decrease in either of these metrics may indicate a failed pipe.
Foul Odors
Mildew and mold are fungi that grow in the presence of moisture, and they both leave musty odors behind. If the home has such an odor, there may be water damage or accrued moisture as the result of a damaged water pipe.
Persistent Clogs
A basic sign of a broken pipe is a clog that just won’t go away. Most clogs are associated with debris buildup, but pipes can become clogged and suffer severe damage. If a pipe stays clogged after a professional cleaning, there may be a break somewhere in the Plumbing in Lansing MI.
If floors are damp for no reason, a damaged water pipe may be to blame. These damp spots should not be taken lightly. If more moisture is allowed to gather, it may cause toxic mildew or mold to grow in the home.
What to do When Pipes are Broken
If a homeowner experiences any of the warning signs listed here, they should Visit the Website and call a plumbing professional as soon as possible. If high water bills, clogs, or foul odors are allowed to continue, the homeowner runs the risk of additional damage and high repair costs.